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im also writhing a book on bookrix ill soon publish it and this one is boombastic

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Gelöschter User

OMG !!!! This was awesome :))))))))))))) I just love the way they loved each other :)

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Gabriella L

this is an amazing book!!!! i started reading today and i finished it today this book is truly amazing!!!!!

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Such a nice and sweet book. Never thought that a boy could propose in this way too!!!!!!!!
overall loved this book and now one of my favorite book.

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Gelöschter User

cutest freakin book evah !!!

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This was a really good story. I hope you'll consider expanding it. It's kind of sad that they aren't in each other's lives for 6 years. It would be nice to know what happens in between and to know more about their relationship when they're together. Overall, very well done.

1 Kommentar

very sweet story and so innovative way to say i love you...i really like the ending, good work!!!

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Love this book so much xx

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Sukanya Vasistha

awesome book

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Mackenzie Feit

I really love this book

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Yeah, its cool and well-written. I like it.

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