They should make a Barbie with no hair, so every little girl fighting cancer can feel beautiful. Put her in pink, name her HOPE and send all proceeds from sales to a children's hospital.
Post this if you agree, And I bet you 99% of you won't. ♥
They should make a Barbie with no hair, so every little girl fighting cancer can feel beautiful. Put her in pink, name her HOPE and send all proceeds from sales to a children's hospital.
Post this if you agree, And I bet you 99% of you won't. ♥
100% agree
Do you know
That I came to America and I got to have you first thing I do is kiss and consorted with you on a Hawaii beach
This is a message to (keke queen)
( '_')
(> )>o I was going to give you this cookie
...('_' )
o<( <) But then I was like...
.(>o<) IT'S MY COOKIE!!!
...U U
( '_')
(> )>o Then i said sharing is caring....
...('_' )
o<( <) But then I was like... 'Sharing is caring....'
.....UU but.....
.(>o<) I LIKE COOKIES!!!
...U U
(> <) S So then I ate it...sorry.
Repost if you like cookies
A white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir. When you are born you're PINK When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn... mehr anzeigen
that is so true
I know right
its funny as hell tho
i recommend dragon fey by Sarah e sackett
i recommend "new life" and "mine"
Hello SweetCaroline ............ :)
I am working on a book
Any new books
16 year old boy asks his Mom:
"Mom, what are you going to get
me for my 18th birthday?"
The Mother answers, "son
that's still a long way"
The boy turns 17 and one day he
His Mom takes him to the hospital
and the doctor said
"Madam your child has a bad
heart." Being the child On
the stretcher the child says,
"Did she tell you I'm going to die?"
Mom Starts crying
The boy finally recovers on
his 18th Birthday, he comes
home and on his... mehr anzeigen
I miss u
Im back!