Wichtiger Beitrag

I just read only 24 pages and I can't put it down, this book is so amazing.

1 Kommentar

Aww, thank you! xx

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Gelöschter User

Love this book.It has everything you would want to read ad keeps your brain turning its wheel at all times. S.J. Evans you should so enter the Y.A. contest .

1 Kommentar

Aw, thanks so much! I'm so glad you like it! :)

Well, if it wasn't already past and this book was crazy edited / re-written, maybe I would. But alas, I cannot. Thanks so much for the comment, though, dear!

-S. J. Evans♡

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is awesome, why are you not entering it in the YA contest????


5 Kommentare

It's {very} unedited and {much} too long to edit in time?


That's sad! You still have almost 3 weeks...?


Yeah. Well, I really wish I could, but I'm afraid 350 pages is a bit too much to take on in less than three weeks. :(

Thank you for introducing me to the contest, though! I might just enter something else. :)

-S. J. Evans♡


Yah - give it a shot - enter something else, I'm sure you have other great books! :)

I understand - 350 pages is a bit much!


i want to download yr..... how can i???

Wichtiger Beitrag

Im only five pages in and yet im addicted! XD This is soo well-written and descriptive I feel like Im there with SKye and Bryan in the club!

1 Kommentar

Wow! Thank you SO incredibly much! I really appreciate the support! xx

Wichtiger Beitrag
WillLoveYouEndlessly (C. Joyce)

Such a wonderful book~ =3 I'm reading instead of sleeping for school tomorrow, cause your story is that great. Your writing is fantastic also, getting jealous of your writing~

1 Kommentar

Oh my goodness, that's crazy! But thank you very, very much for the support, lovely! It means a lot to me. xx

Wichtiger Beitrag

So amazing loved it

1 Kommentar

Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it! xx

Wichtiger Beitrag

omfg you are back i loved the ending other then the flifhanger lol i soo cant wait for book 2 omgggggg

Wichtiger Beitrag

Aww, thank you so much, dear! That's very sweet of you. :] A soap opera? Wow, really? Aw, that just made my day! :D Aww, you're very sweet. Thank you! And I will! :]


Wichtiger Beitrag

Cant wait to read the sequel :). You have written this book so well! It kind of reminds me of a soap opera, theres an idea! You could write for a soap opera! :D I think no matter what kind of writing you are doing you will be successful. Please let me know when you write the next book!


Wichtiger Beitrag

rebeckdawn: Thank you so, so much for reading and commenting! I really hope you enjoy the rest of the book if you can find the time to read it. (:

nanetterae: Aww, thank you so much, dear! Just wait and see. . . there will be. Plenty more. I can tell you that much. ;)

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