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To be nice.

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y u have sad face for scribbler?

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Gelöschter User

yep my friend Bunnytears came up with it :3 i hope u like them ^^


PS: I came up with the boy names with lauren (bunnytears)

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i did not come up with them bunnytears found them (if yur talking about the japanese names

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Nope. I scare all, so run away... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!

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Yeah, its quite nice. Lots of trees and roads n' stuff XD Whats it like in america?? :P
Katie x

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looks like you have been around for a whole month without my noticing. you got lucky. now you cant escape... lol.

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Hi there, thanks for adding me:) Nice profile
Katie x

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Gelöschter User

Sure I Will Post Some.

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Gelöschter User

Sometimes, I Have Written Three Poems Of Love.

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