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Hello Serena..

you got my vote on "kiss, kiss, goodbye." excellent! Good luck on the contest!

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Chris told me your going to help me with my book so thnx so much my name is Serena :D my book is called Borrowed Time and its for a contest the young writer's contest and I think you're helping me edit it so thanks for that :D

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Thanks for the comment on my Drabble contest book ; )

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Oh!! I LOVED THE BOOK THE SECRET LIFE OF THE BEES!!! and the movie too. :D

your background is very calming. Makes me long for the ocean...

Oh... beautiful ocean waters, you sing to me...
Towards me, a ray of light seems to reach.
The calm of the waves crashing on the shore...
Making me long for my love, the sea, evermore.

The esquisite beauty is spoken for by marvelous creatures...
Ones that astound even the finest of preachers.
... mehr anzeigen

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I agree with Val. Your background is beautiful. :D

love ya.


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hey wassup add me plz

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Love your new background page. Gorgeous. xx

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Sorry Sereni, I thought you meant my poem based on this short story. Never mind, perhaps you might like to see it condensed into the poem? Ev elyn

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Shweta Bharati

Hey Sereni!
If you happen to drop by my page, please check my new books. How much I would love to hear your views! Hope to hear Soon!
Hope you like them!

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Thankyou Serena for your comment and the vote, and taking the time to read my story. I'm glad you liked it, even though it was probably not your usual thing.

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