Wichtiger Beitrag

keep it up Dela,its your world. goodluck.

Wichtiger Beitrag

The author is thought provoking and capitulating in a descriptive but vivid illustrative & immaginative setting that blends the past and present generation of writers. Indeed is a masterpiece

Wichtiger Beitrag

Dela you have done it again and for your information you have my vote.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a well thought out and researched book with several plot twists and images that make it a certified "page -turner" I found myself hungering for more as I read through the text and you delivered!!

I enjoyed the transition from the natural to the supernatural - you handled that well.

Thank you for sharing and God bless!


Wichtiger Beitrag

A well written book. Takes you back to the rook.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am not suprise that Dela has at last come up such a thoughtful text. I await for the next publication, probably a masterpeice.
Davies EE.

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Dela Bobobee

I really appreciate all your cool comments about my books. With such encouraging words from highly insightful readers like you who comment on my books, what else do you expect? The sky is not even a limit to human creative dimensions. The spiritual depths and intellectual stimulations are all there, all we need to do is to fire our imaginations. Intelligence is not a privilege, it is a gift, and it must be used for the benefit of mankind.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'd like to give you AT LEAST 3 stars and votes for all the journeys; real and imaginary here Dela.
I said this before...you are a "Master Story-teller", and you've added another spectacular dimension with the Quantum-leaps.
The Prada "croc" storys held deep significant meaning...I'm sure your other readers felt the same thing i did while reading about the mutually respectful relationship they have with their human... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Dela is my friend in the office. A great writer indeed. keep it up BOBOBEE.

1 Kommentar
Dela Bobobee

Thanks, Mr. Blaise. Now hear this.

Talent is like a sleeping fire
It lies dormant in our brains
until it is it tuned like wire
it soon goes down the drains.

- Dela Bobobee

Wichtiger Beitrag

I had experienced a similar thing of this nature. There is a place called "Brass" in portharcourt Nigeria; that Cobra's are assumed to be the guiding spirit of their race, and do crawl into living homes without any harm to persons.

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