Unless memory fails me, you added the Prologue and the beginning chapters recently Glynis? I'm pretty impressed with how you've opened at any rate; the ISBI team cornering the unfortunate werewolf, and the rapid-fire movement of the scene. Throughout this intro and the following chapters you insert some excellent descriptions, for example on Pg. 13: "A hypnotic, piquant odor filled his senses..." Very visual to me.
You introduce a LOT of characters in these short, fast-moving chapters, in different seemingly disconnected scenes, and I assume each will tie in as the book progresses. They aren't just little vignettes standing alone?
You introduction of the crime scene, which brings Sara in is excellent! I had one thought regarding the closed door, though. If I were fleeing, I might NOT close the door, but then again I might slam it shut with a hand as I leave. The window is also closed...what would make the detectives think that was her point of departure? Perhaps the door could be locked? They had to force it? Not sure how best to handle that...maybe something else regarding the window, like it being fully open, curtains moving in the wind/breeze? Small thing, worth thinking about in rewrite.
Tense shift is my main concern. You are narrating in past, but you tend to drift. Ie., Pg. 13, "They've hunted..." Maybe, "They'd hunted..." We ARE in past.
Pg. 31, "...out of this, she'll need her wit..." Better, "...out of this, she'd need her wit..."
These are two examples of the tense shifts I noticed. You might want to have a second look. By the time we get to Ch. 14, the otherwise excellent story is filled with the shifts!
Excellent story. Let me say again, overall your writing is great. The short, snappy chapters are an asset, moving the reader quickly. Sara and Wash are extremely well-drawn, and Sara's connection to the gruesome murders described early-on keeps me sympathetic to her, and interested in exactly where it will lead, and to what extent Wash will buck heads with the police department in his quest to help her.
Thank you so much Dianne.