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very good

1 Kommentar
Glynis Rankin

Thank you so much Dianne.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Unless memory fails me, you added the Prologue and the beginning chapters recently Glynis? I'm pretty impressed with how you've opened at any rate; the ISBI team cornering the unfortunate werewolf, and the rapid-fire movement of the scene. Throughout this intro and the following chapters you insert some excellent descriptions, for example on Pg. 13: "A hypnotic, piquant odor filled his senses..." Very visual to me.

You... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar
Glynis Rankin

Hey Patrick! Thank you so much for reading this story....again!
You are correct about the connection of the scenes, the story is nearly finished and once its done, I hope it surprised those who've read it before.
I have to revive this version because I have her door closed and... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow, I want to criticize your work and all because your writing is MUCH greater than mine. It's obvious you've taken the time to plan out and write this book. It's FANTASTIC! I'll definitely be reading the rest today. :) You're an amazing writer, if I was as good as you I'd be publishing books from one end to the other! I've always imagined what It'd be like with a book that's so great, anyone who reads it will be encouraged... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare
Glynis Rankin

Thanks! You are too kind FearlessAngel! I've had to work hard at getting this story to where it is. Beyond writer's block, I had to find the time and put away things that I liked to get the book to this point. Your lovely words have encouraged me to continue writing. Thank you again!


It's no problem :) It's amazing. It should be published and I'm really not meaning to sound like I'm sucking up it REALLY is a great thing!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

I've made major chances to Believe, it's now a novel. I'm adding a few chapters at a time just to see how people react. I hope you like what I've done so far, if not back to the beginning.

5 Kommentare

I loved the shortened version of this story, Glynis, but this extended version is a force to be reckoned with.

Although, I know in a nut-shell what happens you have created a whole new dimension to the story, including additional characters. All of which have whetted my appetite... mehr anzeigen


PS If I could add another heart, I would.

Glynis Rankin

Thank you Chris! I was thinking about just stopping this story. I have others that were needing my attention. I came on to delete it when I saw how many hits its gotten.
So I decided to see if it was worth continuing since there weren't any comments. Thanks to you and one other... mehr anzeigen


Please, 'Believe' in your writing skills, Glynis. You are not building a good story line ... you are building a terrific one, with a leading character that the reader is able to empathize with. Well done!

Glynis Rankin

You are always positive and encouraging Chris. That is what I love about you. I learned over the weekend that its a job to bring a novel to life. I'm going to try and see if I can do the job. Its either going to be this story or one of my others. We'll see. Thank my friend.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

The Book Trailer for Believe.

Sara doesn't trust. After she was abandoned in the woods by her parents, Sara has lived a hard, ugly, scary life in the foster care system.

Now after the murder of her foster parents, the police was looking at her for answers. Sara told them actually what they wanted to hear. She didn't lie, she just didn't tell them the whole truth. She doesn't trust the police with the truth, because they had... mehr anzeigen

Believe Book Trailer http://youtu.be/q6XtWkB0D7U
4 Kommentare

Superb introduction!

Glynis Rankin

Thank you very much Chris. I'm working on another version now.


Let me know as soon as it is posted.

Glynis Rankin

I well, thank you Chris!

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Gelöschter User


Wichtiger Beitrag

Glynis, I enjoyed reading Believe. My attention was focused on the story from beginning to end. An excellent story. Great writing! I look forward to reading more in the series

1 Kommentar
Glynis Rankin

Thank you so much my friend.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a very good piece. The whole approche in quite mature and the presentation is professional. Good job!

1 Kommentar
Glynis Rankin

mature and professional, humm. I'll take that.
Thank you

Wichtiger Beitrag

Good imagination. If you clean this up conventionally and continue to refine it, it could be a truly great Bookrix addition.

1 Kommentar
Glynis Rankin

Thank you so much for reading this Jacob. I will strive to continue to make this story better.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a well-crafted story with lots of originality. There was a good balance between description and dialogue and I really enjoyed it overall. Very well done!

1 Kommentar
Glynis Rankin

Thank you Prandall. Your lovely comment means a great deal.

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