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It is sad that you find a family memeber on Bookrix who you was very close to as a kid and admired as if they was a big brother to you who is a Author and writes books just as you do who lied about being who they are and don't think that I was smart enough to find out that it was them when they have articles that they have wrote that includes picture of him and his wife. I really hate liars! What would cause your own Uncle to... mehr anzeigen

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J. A. Springs

I read a little of your "Slippery When Wet". I have to say I loved the story. Keep up the good work.

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Many of books are going through major editing so you may notice that a lot of them are down, but slowly but surely some of them are going back up> Wel;l at least the ones with shorter chapters. New updates will be coming up soon! Enjoy!

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1 Kommentar

Hello. I am good. How are you?

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H, J, Macey.

Funny I thought I had joined this group but find I can't access the group site, or is this a dead site Please tell me I'M not alone in here.

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Hi Plz add me in Urban group

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What happened to your books? I haven't been here in a while and came to read. I read many of them before. I do hope to do so again.

1 Kommentar

They are all down for editing purposes and some under publishing.

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whats your wattpad

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Is there a Thot 4?

1 Kommentar

Sorry for the late reply but there isn't a Thot 4 but it is in the works really soon!

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Happy New Years everyone!

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