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why people left in the middle of run even without saying good bye

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yes i agree with u bcoz every one sees this world by his own glasses


i am going to leave this site , but i will say good bye to you


ok good bye....but may i ask u why ur leaving this site?

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i realize that some people r so hard to forgive even small mistakes......i don't know why ...although they know it is very small

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i had paid so much for my own mistakes ..but now i want one chance for my life and for my dear dear friend...do u give me one chance my life?

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hy...why people r so hard and not forgive any body mistakes

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i have lost my best ever friend due to my own mistake...i want to say sorry to my friend ....would u give me one chance if u see this

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Sleep is more important than any thing else

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good keep it up

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Donna Andrews

My I send you a friend request?

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sure its pleasure for me


we r friends now

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why i m still bcoz people came spend some time and leave without saying good bye.......and i m still there waiting for them..but they never come

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friends are as important in ur life as ur family

Gelöschter User

You're right, I don't trust them! Hahaha......

Gelöschter User

Only my girlfriend, which I don't have! :/

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Girls Keep Out https://www.bookrix.com/_group-en-girls-keep-out-1/ This group is for boys only, so girls.......KEEP OUT!
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