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Thank you for reading my book 'The Hand of Fate' & leaving a comment. However, due to an error on my part my voting tag has only just been added. If you have the spare time, & feel my work merits it will you please revisit my page & add your vote?

Thanks again.

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Gelöschter User

Hey I wrote a book called Awakening(Midnight Academy series)please take a look and give me feedback!!!I just uploaded another chapter!!
Lima ;)
Link: http://www.bookrix.com/book.php?bookID=halima612_1302908716.7211430073&page=37&preview=&MaxW=1024&MaxY=740&tm=1306182212&bmkPAGE=37&DoSelfFocus=1

Blurb:Tameka Williams decides to go to a club with her friend Savannah on her birthday. When Meka and her friend dance the night away... mehr anzeigen

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you are very good at poetry!

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Thanks for the star!

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Gelöschter User

Thank you for the star.


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So... where are your writings? You have to have a few stories buried deep inside of you if you are an avid reader! Thank you for your invite on BookRix. Robynn

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mf Harris

Hi I know I have sent out a mass message about this already but I wanted to cover all avenues!!! My book is NOT all on here, nor have I asked, advised, or even wanted people to vote for my contest entry without reading my excerpt!!! I am an author whether I am published or not and as one we all know that it is not about the popularity it is about the love of our story! Why in the world would I want anyone to pass up reading... mehr anzeigen

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