haha~ 908
so close. haha
Yup! I'm back on! And you left me! That was mean SarBear! I was calling for you on text! That's mean.
I'm looking for a dress on my computer
Ok. I'm trying to look for a different profile pic, background, and cover.
Lately a lot more people are reading my books and favoriting them, and friending me, so I want to thank the ones who supported me from the beginning! Thank you everyone! I started writing just for fun, and one of my best friends told me I should try publishing, so I searched for a free publisher, and there I found bookrix! Thanks everyone, and maybe I should say a special thanks to tinkerbell15, because she was that friend... mehr anzeigen
Sup SarBear!
can you write PL
Yeah. I was gonna get to that.