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if you dont know what its means it means
im japanese so i guess what im trying to say is
Congrats on reaching the new year, hope its full of friend ship and love ^^

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Kein Problem. Alles gute^^

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My Dashboard says quite clearly: "No ads!"

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Hi please could you read my book- born to die? If you like it, i would apperciate it if you would vote it for the compertion too :) x

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Gelöschter User

LOL Thanks! It matches my personality when it comes to shopping for my brother :3 ^^

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no prob
lv ur pic Christmas luk cool

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Gelöschter User

BTW ur profile is TOO CUTE < xxx3 I have a book which cover has been changed for the holidays. its summmers end just saying

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Gelöschter User

no prob :)

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thanks for the comment on my profile ^_^

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WICKED profile

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