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Thanks For The Heart n My Book!
Hey what ever happened to your Monsters in Human Skin series??? I really liked those, did you delete them and stop making them or something?
Ok that sucks what the heck happened to my caterpiller???
Meh, Luck is luck. If you got it you got it. If u don't then TOUGH NUBS!!! lolz jkjk< xxx^-^> I have made... A CATERPILLER!!!
< : >
< xxx! !>
< : >
Yes but age and trechurey, will triumph over youth and skill. lol ^_^
I LOVE that a lot of your book covers have anime on them ^_^ it reminds me to keep up to date with the series I'm watching at the moment.
My favorite number is 2, because in soccor, hockey and football, my number is 2. :3