Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Joe,

I really appreciate your comments and suggestions about my book. This is what make writer’s better as authors when we are able to make suggestions and obtain feedback from others. I am working on my second book and I needed as much input as possible to have a better flow with my words. Creativity is one thing but to have an even flow to keep the audience interested is another issue. Thank you very much for reading the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am in the middle of your great story but I had to point out a few things. My comments are honest and not to be read as personal. Number one you have a good story and the use of your vocabulary is well done. Your sentencing, in a few cases should be reworked to make the story read smoother. By adding an 's' or 'ed' to many of your words will put your sentences into the present tense or past tense. They should always match... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Linda,

Your story is easy to read, with simple, straight forward language. Your heart felt feelings come through in your writing.

I like some of your phrases. They were original and you've avoided cleche. Example: ...her interior was throbbing with discontentment... (although, 'discontent' would work too.)

A couple of suggestions:

I've read that writer's should try to keep their paragraphs short, breaking the information into... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Hi Rebekah,
Thanks for the comments I appreicate you pointing out the errors.I will do a revision for... Reflections with my current publisher. Sometimes as writers we be so busy with what we are trying to say we fail to check every little detail (grammatical errors for... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for participating in our short
story writing contest "Family Stories".

The Librarian