Hi Linda,
Your story is easy to read, with simple, straight forward language. Your heart felt feelings come through in your writing.
I like some of your phrases. They were original and you've avoided cleche. Example: ...her interior was throbbing with discontentment... (although, 'discontent' would work too.)
A couple of suggestions:
I've read that writer's should try to keep their paragraphs short, breaking the information into... mehr anzeigen
Hi Linda,
Your story is easy to read, with simple, straight forward language. Your heart felt feelings come through in your writing.
I like some of your phrases. They were original and you've avoided cleche. Example: ...her interior was throbbing with discontentment... (although, 'discontent' would work too.)
A couple of suggestions:
I've read that writer's should try to keep their paragraphs short, breaking the information into smaller pieces and the reader is less likely to get bored.
You probably need to run through another edit to check grammatical errors and misspelled words, this will please the reader and you'll look more professional. I'll just give two examples:
Pg 9 - ...career originated... I think you might have meant 'career orientated' or 'career oriented'.
Pg 9 - ...by fulfilling the desirers... I think you might have meant 'desires'.
Adverbs and adjectives colour our stories and bring wonderful detail. It is important, though, to weigh up the need for every word used. It quickens the pace, which the reader appreciates. I'll give an example:
Pg 10 - ...As she slightly pushed her son in the swing... I think 'slightly' could be withdrawn without really impacting on the meaning of the sentence. Or change the sentence to say 'Tiara carefully pushed Terry'
Sometimes, writers don't realise they've used words repetitively, I've had this told to me about the word 'now'. I'll give you an example in your work:
Pg 10 - ...she thought how proud and blessed she was to be his mother, a precious gift she could have ever been blessed with... you could remove the first 'blessed' without impacting on the meaning of the sentence.
I wish you the best of luck with your writing, you should keep it up.
Good luck and best wishes.
Bek :)
Hi Rebekah,
Thanks for the comments I appreicate you pointing out the errors.I will do a revision for... Reflections with my current publisher. Sometimes as writers we be so busy with what we are trying to say we fail to check every little detail (grammatical errors for... mehr anzeigen
Hi Rebekah,
Thanks for the comments I appreicate you pointing out the errors.I will do a revision for... Reflections with my current publisher. Sometimes as writers we be so busy with what we are trying to say we fail to check every little detail (grammatical errors for instances:) Thanks for the suggestions...Definitely an oversight on my part. 'career oriented and desires.
Linda B