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What did he do with the other half? ;)

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Gelöschter User

Hey Laz, I can't work out in what group your tale was posted.

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Tanks Trevor. I sure hope der's gonna be sum antologies.

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Gelöschter User

Val probably didn't want to edit it because it was already perfect as it is!

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Gelöschter User

For the condolences, because despite where I come from, I understood it all reel weel!
I loves these kinda tales, and reckon that there's an anthology waitn to be ritten. An anthology from different parts of the world.

Watch this space!

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For those reading who need a translation, please contact me. You know where I can be reached.
For those who can read this...and make some sense of this, my condolences.
PS. You can lay the blame on Stanley McQueen, who inspired me.
Still don't know why Valerie (gooduklady) refused to edit this story.