Wichtiger Beitrag
H.Y Nept

Poetical and haunting, an extremely vivid dream which stirs up the reader's emotions. The story is lovely and so melancholic, the first half is probably my favourite as your descriptions seem to spring from the page.
One question, what did you mean by "You know my name, don't know?" it befuddled me, and although you have given an explanation to it that only further befuddled me. ^^
I really love your style though! Beautiful writing.

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Your visualization and setting of the scene was perfection. A short, but very poignant tale. I only wish it could have been longer, but then it wouldn't have packed the punch that it did.

Wichtiger Beitrag

For some reason you have an uncanny way of writing beautiful stories. This was a great capture of a dream, it makes you wonder if it were real or not. Great writing Laz!

Wichtiger Beitrag
S.P. Johnson Jr.

Sad, but nice. It feels like its part of a much larger story. Then again, aren't they all?
There was one line of dialogue that needed an edit. On Page 8,
"You know my name, don't know?"
I didn't understand that question, though I'm assuming it's a misprint.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Let me start by saying that I love this story. It’s haunting, and magical, and sad, and sweet. I adore the descriptions very much, but I do have one problem.

I can’t even believe I’m saying this, but the whole story would have been even better if it had been shown to me instead of told…There I said it and now I want to hit my head against the wall. I usually love when a story is told to me with such wonderful descriptions,... mehr anzeigen

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Beautiful ...

Wichtiger Beitrag

A great story, with a deep lyrical and fantastical atmosphere. I saw a lot of colour alongside the images that you transmitted, and felt that strange tingling feeling. Perfect balance of description and dialogue, so well done in all the domains. You capture everything with your blurb, "a haunting dream". And the cover is great, fits perfectly.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Storm...Simon had an eerie feeling that the girl knew all about him including his name. That's why he said that to her.
Also...The Jason that The girl was eluding to is the Jason, leader of the Argonauts who had to contend with sirens. Look up Homer's Odyssey.
Big sigh...must I explain everything...lol?

Wichtiger Beitrag


umm... one sentence on page 7 doesn't make sense.

"You know my name, don't know?" huh? is it just me or does that not make any sense?

other than that, fantastic story. love the surprise ending as well.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

What to add? No idea, all was said in the threads below this but i'll try.

Very beautiful, descriptive, sad, touching.

The mistakes are there but they don't distract from the story. Well done.

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