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Thanks guys.
And thanks also Veronica, but with this new format, I can't do any editing. These errors are due to my not paying full attention in school....also because my first two languages weren't English...so I'm still struggling....lol

Wichtiger Beitrag

i loved the description of the tree and the blooming flower garlands on her head.
short and sweet, but also a little shocking!
well done!

there were a few mistakes on the first page:

"my weary night's journey besides a" should just be "beside a"

"it had shut her blossom down for the day" has to be changed to "she had shut her blossom" or "it had shut it's blossom"

"and notice a young woman" has to be changed to "and noticed a young... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

First off, I love your cover.
I almost sensed that this was a real dream as I read it--the atmosphere you created, and the striking images. Your ending was perfect, too. I really felt the darkness in that first light. Nice, nice job.

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Gelöschter User

Haunting and captivating. Excellently written, I could see the entire scene in my minds eye, a credit to your skills of description. Well done Laz :)