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i love ur background

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I will not be putting up any knew books for a long time mostly because my mind is full of ideas and I want to put them all to use but I also want to finish up the other two stories of "A tale of folkloric pleasure" before doing anything else. and if every thing goes like I think it should there may be two or one more book added to the series.

so thank you for coming on my page and I hope to have some new things after my mind... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

Hello Lady Deligh...

It's been some time now but I finally made it to Bookrix; it is wonderful to see a familar face here. As always, I look forward to reading your work and giving feedback when I can.

I'm still in Afghanistan...

Wichtiger Beitrag

heyyy havent been on in a while how wre u?

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i have a new website and a blog . . . i don't even now what to do with a blog but hell i got one. :)take a look at it its really cool



Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I love your profile pic! It's wonderful~! At first I was wondering 'Who the heck is this?!' Then I clicked and my mind was blown! Gorgeous, girlie! Love it! I feel like that one dragon from Dragontails. Anybody else remember that show? My bad, I'm rambling. Anyways love your pic and keep writing, cause I love your books too. :)

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i was just scanning through the list for books and stumbled upon your Punish Me with Ecstasy. i read it and went immediately to your profile to see how it ended, and i noticed that i had read some of your other books or had wanted to read one but didn't have the time. so i was wondering if there was a way i could favorite/watch you like on deviantart.com? by the way i loved your Sex with Cupid!

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Hi I'll be adding to new stores soon. before I cool it down . . . will that's all thank for reading. oh the names of the stores will be

(The Sun's wolf) book one of "A tale of folkloric pleasure"
(The Moon's companion) book two of "A tale of folkloric pleasure"

and both will not be fully erotic, I've added some fighting running and some emotion. so look for that some time next week maybe.
that's all thanks for reading. :)

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i am in love with your erotica novels..:)

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Thank you so much for the heart on my book >^=^>

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