Wichtiger Beitrag

Despite a few punctuation and grammatical issues, I enjoyed the raw storytelling in this tale. Especially liked Dani's POV, and the way she wants to prolong the sex act -- something I always tend to have the characters in my own books do too. Nate's climax over Dani always a good way to end in my opinion, although I was disappointed that the description of this was so short. Hot tale nonetheless

Wichtiger Beitrag

loved the book simply amazing and enticing ;]

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for all the hearts and comments....here's chapter 2 enjoy ;)

Wichtiger Beitrag

i have decided to continue this book and add my own ideas please enjoy Nate and his wifey Dani sexual encounters also im gonna change the title and blurb too

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Gelöschter User

you should get nate to join bookrix please so he can write all his little freaky tales would love it

Wichtiger Beitrag

Will u write more