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Vicky ❤

Thx for accepting my FA:)

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I love ur pack saga series I can wait til pack saga 5. R u almost done. About when will it come out

2 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

Soon. No exact dates..


Ok thanks for telling me I can't wait

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Love ur books!

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo


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Is it possible for you to send me a friend request, my phone and computer won't let me send them and I really want to read the rest of your books and get updates on The Pack Saga!! Please and thank you. ;D

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I just finished The Pack Saga and I can't wait for the next book. I love all the drama.

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

There going okay and I'm trying to get the fifth book out as fast as I can.

Wichtiger Beitrag

you really should put up pack saga 5

2 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

It's in the making! Soon I promise



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Rebekah Wave

Hello reader, like science fiction? Take a look at my book Deep Breath and tell me what you think of the available pages, favorite and comment if you like it :)
I can do the same if you wish

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Wagisha stuti

Mam plz update the pack saga series

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like your books

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When will part 5 of The Pack Saga be posted? I love the first 4.

2 Kommentare

Wonderful, please let me know when please, thanks.

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