Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey...you have a very good writing skill dear....love your books...love how u describes moments....keep going...we love it

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

Thank you! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey, I love the "The Pack Saga". it is like i jsut completed it overnight and eagerly waiting for the next book..when are you going to upload it......

2 Kommentare

thnk uuuuuu

Wichtiger Beitrag

i love your books, you are an awesome author!

2 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

Thanks! Means a lot!


your welcome

Wichtiger Beitrag


5 Kommentare

What have you been doing?

KiKi XoXo

A lot.... I've been working on chapters for The Pack Saga 5 and I've been editing my older book I Spy with my Little Heart


Very nice

Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht.
Wichtiger Beitrag

Omg freaking love your book please keep it up

2 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

Thanks! No problem! look out for new releases throughout Christmas and New Years

Gelöschter User

I can't wait!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Morgan M.

Are you still working on Friends with Benefits or is it completed? Just wondering and so far I love it!

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

Friends with Benefits...

As of now that is all there is (The one book). Lately I have been getting requests to still continue the story, and I am thinking about it.

That is all I can really say at this time.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I love your book!

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

Thanks! Means a lot, Enjoy reading :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Is there going to be another pack saga book? :)

3 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

There will be yes! I'm in the process of writing it now!


good because that is my favorite!

KiKi XoXo

No worries it's almost ready to be posted!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey. How are you? :3

5 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

I'm good been very busy!




Can I read your book?

KiKi XoXo

Yeah... go ahead read any of them.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hey when you get your I spy serious back up would it be possible for you to message me?

2 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

Of course! I'm almost finished, so it should be back up soon!


yay can't wait!:)

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