Are you going to add another edition to the Pack Saga to the collection soon a #5?
Are you going to add another edition to the Pack Saga to the collection soon a #5?
Are You Making Any New Books,I Hope You Are Because I Really Love Your Work You Are A Talented Writer (=
Well... I am going to publish The Elementals #2 soon. As for knew series, I'm actually going to completely redo my I Spy series as well and the first one will hopefully be coming in the next month.
Thanks for accepting friend request.
No problem always happy to have new friends! :D
U r awesome writer..
Im not good like u but can u try this now
Hi could you check out my books please and give me a review.
Please continue your pack saga books..... They are amazing!!!!
Thanks! No worries I plan on a fifth.
I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D Thanks so much!
Hello, names Milky, just wanna say that I see you a lot on other people's profile, you must be very popular user :)
Wow, I am here since June 2014.
Well you remember dates good!
Yeah, maybe... I am just calculating it when I came and left and all,
Yes. I promise haha it's on my list.