Wichtiger Beitrag

Hm. When you get the 'Enemies with Benefits' series back up, would you message me? Plz n' thx. xx

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

Yeah no problem

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so much for the heart on my book 'My Personal Hell' :).

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

No problem! Excited to read it!

Wichtiger Beitrag

what happened to your "enemies with benefits books????" I was reading but didn't download it so i couldn't finish it :(

4 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

Sorry! I have taken it down to go through and fix it, and redo parts....

when it get's published again, it will be a better story and an easier read!


kk, if possible, can u please let me know when u put it up?

KiKi XoXo

Yeah No problem!



Wichtiger Beitrag

heiiii really loved the enemies wid benefits n in love wid ur books u r a gr8 writer..can i just knw where to find enemies wid benefits 3 coz m nt able to find it anywhere <3 <3 <3

3 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

It should be part of the series, and you can look at all of my books to find them as well!


i have looked for the last series in your profile coz m really in luv wid dat book but m nt able to find the book :(

Wichtiger Beitrag

When are you coming out with the 3rd book to Enemies with Benefits?? I really like those books! I want more!

3 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

The third book for Enemies with Benefits is out...


I didn't see it till just now, are you making more to the series?

KiKi XoXo

That's the last one for that series, but if you like any of my other series there is more to those coming yet....

Wichtiger Beitrag

your books are amazing <3

5 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

Thanks! Glad you like them! :D


hey i would really like to know if ur gonna have a 5th book for the "The Pack Saga" it was my fav series out of all

KiKi XoXo

There should be a fifth book in the series. Once I finish the fourth, I'll see if enough people like it enough to continue it.


oh okay! I'll make sure all my friends read this series and favorite it, cuz it is amazing <3 just so u can continue with ur amazing writing skills! <3

KiKi XoXo

Thanks :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

love your books!!!!!

1 Kommentar
KiKi XoXo

Thanks really means a lot! :D Be sure to tell your friends about them!

Wichtiger Beitrag
KiKi XoXo

Ready for snow to go away! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

my name is shreya i just sent a friend request
can u plz accept it??????????

4 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

No problem!


thanks for accepting


can i ask u form where did u got to read the book named"The Wicked Beasts That Roam" cause i can not get hold of the book

KiKi XoXo

Yeah I read it, it's on my favorites. Just look there.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Thanks for accepting my friend request!

2 Kommentare
KiKi XoXo

No problem, always looking for new friends! :)

Gelöschter User

me too!

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