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^^Feiert schön^^

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Hey, happy Easter. Consider me back.Or find me on facebook. Denis Githinji

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Gelöschter User

Hallo :)
Ich habe eins meiner Bücher für den Krimi-Wettbewerb angemeldet und würde mich riesig freuen, wenn du dir den Beitrag durchlesen und, wenn es dir gefällt, einen Pokal (über Kommentare freue ich mich auch immer xD) abgeben würdest. Das Buch heißt:

Die andere Frau

(Kurzer Buchausschnitt:)
Alles, was sie dabei hat, hat sie neu gekauft, der Koffer ist vollkommen sauber, man kann sogar noch den Geruch der Produktion erkennen.... mehr anzeigen

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awwh, thanks :] i miss you too. and dont worry well always be friends! i no rite its been a year damn long time :D well hope to talk to u sson hope ur alrite now love ya -Jenbella1112

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Hi there^^
I just loaded up my first manga and I'd be very happy if you could take a look at it XD
Its about a girl on a friday 13th that is very, very superstitious.

Miss Riddle


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omfg i miss u too!!:D
wish we were on at the same time:(
well talk to u someday kassy:)


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Wow I loved the poem you wrote.
I do not want to sound like I am trying to come back at you.
So I will ask if you like my next poem . . .


Love is beautiful it is undisputable
You have me writing poems in my journal
It’s like crazy what I feel is not normal
And I’m writing in my journal I hope it’s eternal
I’m your favorite fan when you make an appearance
This smile... mehr anzeigen

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Nice poem. yours was better than Shakespeare.

Here is a poem I came up with.
I made it up after I read yours.
Tell me what you think. . . .

Please take the time to listen
When I saw you everything changed from
Black and white to color everything became
It was so effortless to love you
Something that I did not imagine
Was to give my love with a single glance
Everything shook within me
The... mehr anzeigen

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Hey there Kassandra!

Thank you for accepting my request. Definitely a whole-hearted thank you for your comment on my story. I am at a loss for words to express my appreciation, except by saying exactly that-Thank you.


P.S. Nice profile page! I really enjoyed the music too.

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