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Gelöschter User

lalala need someone to talk to

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Ohh Same Old Same Old. Enjoyin Life Being Awesome...HaHa

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Sup New Friend?! :D Lol

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Thanks for the add :))

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thanks for the request im a singer too :) feel free to send me a message

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Thanks for the add! :D

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Ryan Harker

Thanks for the heart and comment on Attack of the Giant Chickens, I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the stories I've posted here so far. RMH

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uno, on ur post bored thing, the rytin is bigger thn normal....dude, did u not notice...? smarts XD

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ok, 2 things....
1. merci 4 the heart n comment....ino it hsnt got mch init, a workin progress....um, thers 20 pages, i dunno if uv read 20 pages or if u read it from 16... XD
2. how did u mke ur rytin tht big on ur wall????? its really cool, and bassically, i wnt it!!! XD

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