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Great! I enjoyed the cast that you placed for your screenplay. It gives a vivid image. You get my vote for many reasons. Not only for the great screenplay. But because you went the extra mile for your reader (me) which means you care about your readers. And to be a truly great writer I believe that you have to care for that. You are doing great! And rest assured I will vote for you when the time comes.



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These are the titles of my books
"Three Days of Darkness and the Coming Flood"
"Time for Truth"
"Forgotten Keys of the Kingdom"
"2012 and Beyond"
"Anti-Christ's Birth; The Solomon Island Mystery"
"R.A.I.N. (Retaliatory And Inverse Navigation)
Jesus Villalobos

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My books are now downloadable in digital format for various reading type machines such as kindle and ipods html javascript etc.
http://www.smashwords.com 5.00 and 10.00
"Time For Truth"
"Forgotten Keys of the Kingdom"
"Three Days of Darkness"
"Anti-Christ's Birth; The Solomon Island Mystery"
visit my websites listed below for more info.

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I now have a second book being published with PublishAmerica. It is titled "Time For Truth." It tackles many misundertood Scriptures and parables. Example: Did you know Ezekiel's vision of a wheel in a wheel is all about the Church and has nothing to do with angels or UFO's? The symbols are all explained in this book.
Did you know that Satan was created on the earth and not in heaven as is preached from many pulpits? The proof... mehr anzeigen

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My book; "Three Days of Darkness and the Coming Flood," details the exact date of Jesus' return, with Scriptural proof. Jesus told us to look for the sign of the Son of Man, just before His return. This sign, has been around since the opening of Scripture in Genesis 1:2-3. We are told that the earth is in toatal darkness for three days, before the sun, moon, and stars, are placed into the heavens to give light upon the earth.... mehr anzeigen

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There is a pattern in the Scriptures which shows us that Jesus' discourse in Matthew 24 was meant to lead us to Isaiah chapter 13. Jesus' words in Matthew 24, echo Isaiah 13's words. When Jesus said that the stars of heaven would fall to earth, this could not be a literal statement. If only one star fell to the earth, the earth would be obliterated. Jesus was merely stating, that it would appear as if the stars were falling... mehr anzeigen

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Although this site may seem like an advertisement for my book, it is too much to explain here. The book gives Scriptural proofs which are too many to list here. People want proof for statements so profound. The proof involves many explanations of Scriptures which are being misused by today's leaders. The information contained in this book will suffice even the most skeptical person. God bless you for taking the time to read this post.

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Jesus Christ grant you His eternal life. Welcome to my site. This site is dedicated to truth in the Scriptures. May you find your days filled with the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.