i dont know but im in a good mood
not to be creepy
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i dont know but im in a good mood
not to be creepy
Your profil picure is very cute
Oh okey thats cool either way haha there is no need to apologise pfft haha
Ok I'm say good nigth "Good night"
Haha nighty night sleep well~
I like your profilepicture <3 it's so cute ^^
Domino is nice ^^ we have two rabbits :D But they are so exhausting ^^ but they are so cute :)
Yeah they are pretty exhausting when I had them I used to bring them inside to play but they kept going under my sofa and other stuff and are a pain in the ass to get them back in their huts... TT~TT
haha that's true
how tall are you
Yeah i know sorry...
cmon *starts bouncing a wheelie*
*slowly padles forward and tips falling on the ground* im not really built for riding bikes... ^^
i loved ur book it's awesome :)
*grows wings and begins to dig into the ground*
Why do you need wings to go underground rathee than off it??
because wings are awesome they make me look all mysterious.... o.o
and why fly when you can dig >:P
could u please talk to me im sooooooooooooooooooooo bored
HELLO BORED PERSON *throws tuna at you" XD
*ouch that hurt* but it's k I'M BANNANA PEEL
Oh SORRRY har har *runs slipping on you banana peel body*
hello there, I'm so happy I just wrote a story
Ah thats cool grammars annoying so I understand haha
Hahaa thanks!
Ur welcome Ill tell you when I read it XD
hey :)
how comes to the friend request? ;D ^^
greetings :)
Hello I danno I friend request everyone \(*'.'*)/
Greetings to you tooooo~x
u the same age as me besties
Yeah same ageness *highfives* feels weird replying to the same person at the same time in the same place... XD
yeah i know right FAIRY FLOSS
hi i miss talking to u :(
You do hmmm Im sorry *points* you should speak more mr banana peel hoho >.<
Hello there good mooded one! Im swell how are you my dear?
de best and you