Hi Hi \(^-^)/ ,
Thanks for the Friend Request! :3
Hi Hi \(^-^)/ ,
Thanks for the Friend Request! :3
No prob. xD
Lol xD But still it is more important ,
that you like it yourself or? :D
Woah xD
Haha yeah I guess so much wisdom ^u^
Thanks for the friend-request!
Is this the right word? Friend-request? ^^
You know, I'm german and I can't speak English that good.
So I'm a little bit confused about the ... Friend-Request. (Is it really the right word? XD)
And here he is! XD
I'm so popular. *-*
AHAHA thats so funny XD he came from no where hello
Do you only read englisch books?
But I will give it a try :D
awe thank you dont worry of you cant read it~x Haha
Guten Tag!
Ich bin erst seit gestern dabei und würde mich sehr darüber freuen, wenn du meine Geschichte lesen würdest. Ich möchte so viele ehrliche Meinungen einholen wie nur möglich. Konstruktive Kritik ist erwünscht!
~* Japan, Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts
Yuzuna erwacht aus einem schrecklichen Traum, indem sie in ihrem eigenen Körper gefangen war. Sie kann sich nicht mehr an ihren Namen erinnern. Sie weiß nicht einmal mehr was... mehr anzeigen
oh okey fair enough sorry Ill try and translate it ~x
XD you don´t need to! I´m ok with that ^.~
oh okey cool sorry~x >w<
Hi wie komme ich zur Fa? :)
lg dns
Or a shuttle cock after all commiting adultery yet not doing anything is forever a sin in the eyes of mush nush mc nushie
oh well u committed adultery and who was it that was unlucky enough to be betrothed to you ;p
I DID O.o haha D: what do you mean "unlucky enough" ?!??!! Im sure whoever was betrothed to me would be happy enough too poop every morning
thanks for adding me :)
let's be good friends
;w; that is an awesome hello..
and Im being polite also because of curiosity..it killed my cat >.<
lol really? slr btw
Nah its not true but that would be awesome if the feeling of curiosity became. Human and killed my cat... Id be sad my cat would have to die though and its okey for your late reply (^.~)d
Thanks friend for the friend request :)
no worries fariha thanks for accepting your picture is so cheery ^~^ haha
aww thank you!
ur welcome is the picture of u? :D
thank u and buh bye ttyli ^^
ur welcome sleep well \(^~^)/ * waves*
\(^.^)\ byee *waves back*
oh ok ^~^
oh thats ok ^^
Haha cool Im trying to learn it though XD I still need alot of work hah XD
^^ yes im too