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Gelöschter User

hey thanks for the request

2 Kommentare
Gelöschter User



hey! no need to thank me, you seem like a nice person so thank you for accepting

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for the friends request :D

31 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen

oooh and do u like my new picture aye? *ruffles hair*


Deviant Art (dA) is a site where users can share drawings, pictures, literature, etc with eachother. It's mainly used as a site to post art though.

Yes :3. It's a cute girl in a cat hoodie.


yep >w< I know a couple of people what post art on it ahaha, do u post art then? r u any good?
and yeppity yep yep it sure is of a cute girl in a hoodie ^o^ Im glad you like it

Wichtiger Beitrag

kurosaki XD #jogging
psht brings back memory


......Yh u dont wonna know how many times i have cleaned that stuff up o.o


just sculpt with it next time ^~^

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

omg same age as me

4 Kommentare

I'm going to be 14 in a month and 3 days :3

Gelöschter User

YAY sisters hey u haven't sended me a email 4 AGES


I know, srry. I haven't checked my e-mail either XD I guess I'll have to do that :P


Yay we're all pretty much the same age \(°^°)/ hello

Wichtiger Beitrag

Merci for adding me as a friend, ma copain!! But I must warn you, on your own head be it, I'm not exactly what people would register as 'human'...
It'll be fun getting to know ya!!! XP

2 Kommentare

Haha merci for your acceptance to my freind request and people who are different tend to be the best kind ^~^ and it will be a pleasure to get to know you too


Ah, as true as that knowledge is, the evil ones don't tend to be that much of a pleasure.
Unless... pfft. WAIT! No, not gonna say what I was gonna type cause- psh.
You will come to learn I am unbelievably dirty minded XD

Wichtiger Beitrag

ty for commenting and adding my book to ur fav ^^ xxx

Wichtiger Beitrag

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