Chillin in band class sooo bored!!!
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Chillin in band class sooo bored!!!
Thanks for adding my books to your favorites! Don't forget the sequels, and take a look at one of my newest books I Spy with my Little Heart!
Two steps ahead of ya there ma'am your book is awesome!!! Also check out my book and tell me if u think I should continue please :-)
I got my six hearts I'm solo happy...guess it's time to start on the next chapter!!! :-) I hope you read it as well and tell me what you think!!! ;)
check some of my short story out
moonshine whiskey wedding
I need a link to on of your stories what kind of stories do you wright , ???
Yesss finally!!!! I only need one more heart before posting the next chapter of my book...just need another reader to help me out!!! :-)
im sooo boooored I wish I had someone to talk to!!! :c
Thanks for making a lot of my books favorites of yours. It means a lot to me. I dont write to much, i prefer to read and I am really busy. I also love your book I think it is great. I cant wait you to finish it. It will be great. Please keep writing and thanks again.
aww don't blow my head up its big enough as it is but thank you that's the first compliment I got on my work and I will continue writing gladly :)
Are demons freaks or freaky??? You know who you are ;)
But I gotta go to bed right now.
Cause it's 3:33am
ooh well you know it will be here tomorrow night!!
IT will! Goodnight!
You use Imgur right? Just wondering...
Never heard of it before
Ohh, never mind then. There's a girl like kinda looks like you that I saw there.
Oh ok
But yeah my covers are another issue I have because I do not like them
Thanks for adding my book in ,,Favorite,, :)
I actually really liked it you did better o.n yo book than I did on mine that's for sure :-)
Thank you!
Welcome :-) bring on the next one!!! :-)
Man that early I'll be nineteen u. Must be doing great in school then :-)
Eh. I'm not great. But it's what my mom wants, so I'm gonna try to achieve it. =w=
Well best of luck to ya then ;)