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Chillin in band class sooo bored!!!

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Man that early I'll be nineteen u. Must be doing great in school then :-)

Gelöschter User

Eh. I'm not great. But it's what my mom wants, so I'm gonna try to achieve it. =w=


Well best of luck to ya then ;)

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KiKi XoXo

Thanks for adding my books to your favorites! Don't forget the sequels, and take a look at one of my newest books I Spy with my Little Heart!



1 Kommentar

Two steps ahead of ya there ma'am your book is awesome!!! Also check out my book and tell me if u think I should continue please :-)

Wichtiger Beitrag

I got my six hearts I'm solo happy...guess it's time to start on the next chapter!!! :-) I hope you read it as well and tell me what you think!!! ;)

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Backwood writer

check some of my short story out

Backwood writer

moonshine whiskey wedding

Backwood writer

I need a link to on of your stories what kind of stories do you wright , ???

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Yesss finally!!!! I only need one more heart before posting the next chapter of my book...just need another reader to help me out!!! :-)

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im sooo boooored I wish I had someone to talk to!!! :c

4 Kommentare

is i am :)

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Gelöschter User

Thanks for making a lot of my books favorites of yours. It means a lot to me. I dont write to much, i prefer to read and I am really busy. I also love your book I think it is great. I cant wait you to finish it. It will be great. Please keep writing and thanks again.

1 Kommentar

aww don't blow my head up its big enough as it is but thank you that's the first compliment I got on my work and I will continue writing gladly :)

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Are demons freaks or freaky??? You know who you are ;)

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But I gotta go to bed right now.
Cause it's 3:33am


ooh well you know it will be here tomorrow night!!


IT will! Goodnight!

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WillLoveYouEndlessly (C. Joyce)

You use Imgur right? Just wondering...

4 Kommentare

Never heard of it before

WillLoveYouEndlessly (C. Joyce)

Ohh, never mind then. There's a girl like kinda looks like you that I saw there.


But yeah my covers are another issue I have because I do not like them

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for adding my book in ,,Favorite,, :)

4 Kommentare

I actually really liked it you did better o.n yo book than I did on mine that's for sure :-)


Thank you!


Welcome :-) bring on the next one!!! :-)

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