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ok, nice talking to you. one massive difference is that i just finished school^_^

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i like g-dragon as well and i haven't heard of that band but i like Nu'est have you heard of them. i LOVE them all but my fav has to be Aron. aaaaaa!

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arg... i know how it feels i wanted to go as well.

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she told me that Seungri kept repeating 'are you alright?' she showed me what she had recorded and it was so funny. he purposely kept putting that accent on^_^

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i know, i didn't get to go, but one of my friends went and she loved it.

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hey do you like Big Bang , they came to London^_^

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Gelöschter User

Haha, okay ^-^ Well hi Chris! (: I'm Amanda

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haha! i wud also put somebody to love :D
and oh mom and of all days xD

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Sup Chris haha

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Gelöschter User

Thanks so much for your anime recommendations!
I've watched maid-sama before you mentioned it and I really loved that one c: But thanks for all the other ones (:


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