Wichtiger Beitrag

You must finish Haunted,, it was worth reading and was good, Plz dont leave them unfinished

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Gelöschter User

Do you watch anime?

4 Kommentare

I do :) (though u didnt ask me)


yes and I'm willing to admit I have and addiction lol

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B ︀е ︀s ︀t ︀❤️ ︀P ︀о ︀r ︀n ︀★ ︀S ︀t ︀а ︀r ︀s, ︀open ︀link ︀↪ http://︀d︀a︀t︀e︀4︀f︀u︀q︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀i︀d︀ichigo513

Wichtiger Beitrag

love haunted and falling backwards. when are they going to be completed? im so looking forward to finishing reading both books. you're truly a great writer x

Wichtiger Beitrag

i've been away... and i'm sorry. i felt forgotten and forgot why i love writing. i'm back. I do want to finish haunted. I really do. It;s just I've grown as a writer and I'm not sure I want to make a sequel... or a prequel. So I'm going to finish what I started and end it with a bang.

2 Kommentare

honestly I looked through all the comments you guys have left me over the months and it makes me want to get back into writing. Thank you for everyone for loving my stories and putting up with my vanishing acts. I'll finish my books for you guys :)


I guess everyone loves the book Haunted! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Any plans of updating this book Haunted?? the wait seems to be never ending do let me know

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Loved the book haunted when will it be up dated ?

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Oh u are an amazing writer. I loved the book Haunted. Please update. . Wanting to read more :-)

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Hi :) love your book hunted. Could you please let me no when you update it?

1 Kommentar

I actually just added a small update :)

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Gelöschter User

I love your book haunted!

Wichtiger Beitrag

please update Falling back yard

1 Kommentar

I'm on an updating spree so I'll do that now. thanks for the motivation ^-^

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