Wichtiger Beitrag

please write more of the haunted books.. have fallen in love with it.. ty

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am absoutley in love with Haunted. Please keep us updated when you can! This book has gotten me through the last three days of work and I am starting Immortal today! Looking forward to reading more of your work.

1 Kommentar

sometimes I feel guilty for disappearing and ignoring my stories. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve the fans I've been blessed with. Sometimes I feel like just giving up on those stories that were just vibrant ideas in my head a few years ago. so thank you so much for... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Please please please please please update haunted=) it's a really good book

Wichtiger Beitrag

thinking of updating falling backwards....

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi dear nice to meet you ,your haunted book is really nice.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Please continue writing haunted..... it's a fab book ...and i'm
litterally dieing to read more of it!!!!
plus your a fab author always remember that!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi I'm new here and I recently read your book haunted and I just wanted to say that I really loved it and I can't wait until you finish it.

Wichtiger Beitrag

i'm a big fan of haunted and firstly i'd like to say my condolences for your grandpa.
secondly i'd like to say i just loved the last update i can't wait for the next one and how avery is going to react to him being werewolf.

Wichtiger Beitrag

please finish haunted really soon

Wichtiger Beitrag

@ ginger759. I am aware of that, and I shall explain. It does that because for some reason it keeps saving it's self as "me only" so it is removed from my profile. I then have to go back and save it as "everyone". It then makes it look like I updated, but really I just re-posted it so you can keep reading. hope that explains things, and just for you ill finish my chapter :)

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