This is truly a fabulous piece of work Stephanie. I was personally asked by a fellow member, Glen Marcus, read your short (which you say could grow - but sometimes, the perfection of a piece like this - the true impact is its brevity as it's a slice of life seldom seen through the eyes of those who do not know, do not understand)
There are a few minor spelling errors here and there (BTW, on page 5, the paragraph starting with... mehr anzeigen
This is truly a fabulous piece of work Stephanie. I was personally asked by a fellow member, Glen Marcus, read your short (which you say could grow - but sometimes, the perfection of a piece like this - the true impact is its brevity as it's a slice of life seldom seen through the eyes of those who do not know, do not understand)
There are a few minor spelling errors here and there (BTW, on page 5, the paragraph starting with 'Ah' - the word Dodo is missing the 'o') I'd be more than happy to help you iron them out as I enjoy helping our newest members especially those who are fairly young and have such obvious talent -- grow that talent.
At first I wondered what it was about but then, with the repetitive nature of the actions and the awkward stares - I figured out that your little Dodo bird is autistic. And you've put such a lovely, almost touchable feel to this very misunderstood disorder, that I think there are many parents (and siblings) of autistic children who would read this and be moved to tears because it is honest.
You've emulated that sense of love and loyalty - frustration and anger - regret and doubt that families coping with the disorder deal with on an everyday basis. No one quite realizes how vexing a simple trip to the store can be for children with this disorder - and yet with your 'wise beyond your years' words, you've made it something we can all learn from.
Thank you for this beautiful piece. And as I said if you'd like any editing advice, I'd be more than happy to help you along. And when you've got a few more stories under your belt, perhaps you just might wind up on my Book Review site as an up and coming author!
Of course, you'll need to prove to us that this one story wasn't a fluke (and I don't think it is - style like that is innate and must be honed.) Besides, I figure it's a great way to urge you to write even more.
Cheers to ya,
Avery Brown,
Moderator, Serious Writers
Author, Editor, Publishing Consultant
Thank you very much! I really appreciate the feedback.