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I don't know what I expected, but your story really touched my heart. It is not easy to have a special person in your life. And even with all the thoughts of self, they still make us reach the better parts of ourselves.

I have several special people in my life. I know how it feels to be ignored, but then there are those "Jelly Bean" moments. They make all the difference.

Well done.

1 Kommentar
S. K. Wilson

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the feedback.

Wichtiger Beitrag
L. Avery Brown

This is truly a fabulous piece of work Stephanie. I was personally asked by a fellow member, Glen Marcus, read your short (which you say could grow - but sometimes, the perfection of a piece like this - the true impact is its brevity as it's a slice of life seldom seen through the eyes of those who do not know, do not understand)

There are a few minor spelling errors here and there (BTW, on page 5, the paragraph starting with... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar
S. K. Wilson

thank you so much. It means a lot to be validated. I haven't really shared any of my work before, so this kind of feedback is doing wonders for my confidence.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Stephanie! Wow!

I have read your short story, “Flightless Bird.” It was powerful, moving, and refreshing, because it is different. It has been quite a while since I’ve read a story that moved me that much. I could be wrong, but I sense that this is a story of experience rather than fiction.

Beautifully written with deep emotion that pulls the reader into the story, at least it did for me. My wife and I raised a son who was deaf... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar
S. K. Wilson

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I've worked with children who have special needs for three years and it is something I'm passionate about. I often wondered how the sibling in a family where one child requires so much more attention would feel...hence the story.

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A well wriiten powerful story of life.

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Flightless Bird.
Extraordinary. It's so difficult to write in 2nd pov (unless it's a cookbook!). I am smiling after having read this remarkable short story.

This can be deadly in the wrong hands, but your use of anaphora was classically gorgeous. It mirrors James' condition. How impressive. Loved your narrator's trains of thought, and the public reaction(s) to young James so much.

Forgive me (and this is praise), I thought of... mehr anzeigen

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S. K. Wilson

I had to google 'anaphora', which was good because now I know a new word. Thank you so much for the comment, it means a lot.

I was a bit anxious that it might be construed to be offensive to people with special needs, which is the complete opposite to how I want it to come... mehr anzeigen


Yikes....forgive me. I don't ALWAYS do this, but I must save it to my favorites. Forgot to do that! It is really a fine example of creative writing.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

This was a very touching and heartwarming story. I found myself immersed in the thoughts of your POV. The story was rich with the voice of this girl forgotten and her emotions so openly displayed. Short, but enduring.

You missed one 'my dodo bird' around page five, before the second beep. Check your tense again, you missed a few. But other than that it was well written. I'm adding to my favorites. Nice job.

1 Kommentar
S. K. Wilson

Thank you so much, and also thank you for pointing out some of those errors, I tend to miss a lot, and I appreciate it when people point it out for me.