Wichtiger Beitrag
S. K. Wilson

Updated a wee bit.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I join Glen with high praise. You have a powerful story going here--once it is final edited:) So far I love what you've done with building tension in Anna, and thus your readers. Need I say your writing voice is stunning?
It is, and Denial is on my watchlist of going-to-be-great books.

1 Kommentar
S. K. Wilson

Yay! Thank you so much!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Stephanie, I just completed reading what you have so far and it is amazing. Your grasp of the subject matter is concise and Anna's feelings are captured wondrfully . You have an easy flow to your writing that snared my attention. Let me know when you update this piece.

1 Kommentar
S. K. Wilson

Thank you much! That means a lot to me.

Wichtiger Beitrag
S. K. Wilson

Hey! I don't really expect anyone to read what I write, but the thought that someone might kind of encourages me to keep on going with my writing. I am only going a chapter at a time, though I have written most of it (and planned the rest), I keep on deciding to change it.

3 Kommentare
Gelöschter User

Hi, welcome to Bookrix. You have a nice start, one that makes the reader want to know more. Your writing is very good and when you start reading you want to keep doing it until the end :).

One suggestion to promote it: look at the groups and see how you can advertise in them.... mehr anzeigen

S. K. Wilson

thank you for the tips.

S. K. Wilson

Also I read your short story 'Love Drabbles'. You have a lovely writing style, really nice flow.