Wichtiger Beitrag

Your books are Really Cool . Thanks for making them.

1 Kommentar

thanks @iRibb0n

Wichtiger Beitrag

You are simply the best.

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Gelöschter User

Hi thx again for the good books could plz update moon stone the wolves bay novel thax agin

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so, so, so much for your vote on my 'Memories' entry "Betrayed"! It means alot to me, and I wasn't expecting so many people to like it...I'll definitley return the favor by reading some of your work :)

Thanks again, CHLOE!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

hi just read moon stone its really good book cant wait to see where u take these character thx for the books.

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Gelöschter User

Hi there, i just wanted to thank you for the heart on Wicked Desires. I'm glad that you read it. Look out for a next chapter soon.


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Thanks to you for friendship.Friendship is a great bond. No discrimination.

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Thanks for the heart on my 1st book to my True Blood Series. I hope u enjoy all of them once they are all completed. I will keep u updated when I upload more of the story.

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Gelöschter User

Heya hows you, i havent been on in ages because of me doing GCSE's

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Thank you for the comment on Adventures in Toddler land i'm really thinking that i'm gonna make another short story about them.

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