Lovely, poem, Elizabeth! I heard every word and saw all the beauty laid out so effortlessly. Of course, it only appears effortless to those of us who struggle to string a few words together!
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Lovely, poem, Elizabeth! I heard every word and saw all the beauty laid out so effortlessly. Of course, it only appears effortless to those of us who struggle to string a few words together!
You are still young as we all know, for the mind is a state from which we continually grow. It never ceases to broaden our view, A renewal of live for me and you.
Hugs, Donna Fae Lorenz
Thanks, dr.wardha, I am honored by your lovely comments. Always, Elizabeth
I thank you, Barry, for the lovely comments. I value your words. Elizabeth
Very well thought out. I liked the shift of emotional energy toward the end of the piece.
loved it Liz, it was simple fluent heartfelt..the kind of thing one writes when one is truly in touch with one's soul...loved the gathering up of bravado at the end...yes,the spirit is forever undefeated!..cheers!..voted.
Surely someone steals them when you're not looking. But somewhere deep inside, they are all still there. And how nicely you put it.
Thanks, Paige, for your support and time. I always love to read your are a grand talent and you honor me. As always, Elizabeth
Thanks for your wonderful comments. And by the way, I love your name. It has such strength, I feel it through your photo. I value your writer expertise and talent and am honored to have your support. Elizabeth
Simply lovely, Elizabeth.I know how you feel. Your story is almost like the short I wrote for the Drabbles contest.
" 2 plus 'The Lying Mirror'"
You got my vote....thanks