It's a good book, I learned a bit from it. However, for my husband, it would be "How I survived my wife's writing" However I pretty muchly do my own spell checking and punctuation checking... although I have never been good at punctuation. Well, colons and semi-colons are my biggest hang up. However when my hubby was younger he did write, but had been told by people he trusted, that his work wasn't any good. So he gave up.... mehr anzeigen
It's a good book, I learned a bit from it. However, for my husband, it would be "How I survived my wife's writing" However I pretty muchly do my own spell checking and punctuation checking... although I have never been good at punctuation. Well, colons and semi-colons are my biggest hang up. However when my hubby was younger he did write, but had been told by people he trusted, that his work wasn't any good. So he gave up. But has started with poems again. So maybe one day, he'll write stories once more.
Thank you Rabenbruder. This book is part of a work we have in progess about writing and editing. We submitted fifteen pages for critiquing at the Jackson Hole writers conference and Kathrine Sands, an agent from NY, liked it. She asked us to work it into an article first. We did... mehr anzeigen
Thank you Rabenbruder. This book is part of a work we have in progess about writing and editing. We submitted fifteen pages for critiquing at the Jackson Hole writers conference and Kathrine Sands, an agent from NY, liked it. She asked us to work it into an article first. We did and that's as far as it went. Not unusual for New York. I have been using it as part of my bio and one day hope to finish the book as a writing/editing guide.
Spelling still haunts me as Marian is always picking up the odd mistake now and then on stuff I post on the internet before she sees it.
Hope another good read comes your way, Ed ;-)