Wichtiger Beitrag

This is written EXTREMELY well and it is a GREAT idea! i wish i could write half as well as you! MORE please!!! when you finish it, you might even want to consider getting it published.

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

aww shucks :3

Wichtiger Beitrag
E.K. Perkins


Just wow.

This book is amazingly written, I hope you know that. It almost made me cry, until I held back the tears, of course. And when you make someone feel a real emotion from a book you've written, you KNOW that it's awesome and amazing and great and- yeah, all of that. Anyways, this is one of the only books I've actually READ, because I spend most of my time writing them, but I must say, I was hooked from the... mehr anzeigen

5 Kommentare
Jay Babee

OMG thank you!! You have no idea how much that means to me. I used to write nothing but fanfiction and I'm still convinced my original stories are trash half the time!! I'm grinning like an idiot over here haha! <3

E.K. Perkins

Haha, well don't say that your original work is trash, because it really isn't. This book would be a bestseller in my mind! Please continue!

E.K. Perkins

I love the update :)

Jay Babee

Thanks for the read you're the best xx =)

E.K. Perkins

So are you :) Thanks!

Wichtiger Beitrag

When's the next update coming? I really like this book!

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

Thanks so much for the read! <3
Hoping to have something up in the next day or two.

Wichtiger Beitrag

My first reaction to the update: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

I'm obsessed with the way you described Alyssa's dead state. How she feels moving around, looking at her own body.... wanting to comfort her mother but can't...

Amazing book. Simply amazing. I can't wait for more :]

5 Kommentare
Jay Babee

Aww thank you <3
Means so much to me =^-^=


You're welcome :]


I just read your most recent update....I LOVE IT! I feel so bad for Cassie though D:

And Mason's "talk to ghosts" thing is an excellent idea! I love anything that has to do with ghosts xD
I want more!

Jay Babee

I know!! Ahhh I love Cassie and I hate having to do it to her but I have to!! hahaha. Am I allowed to say I have a favorite character? =P


Yes you are xD

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

On page 5, "a" should be deleted. A typo to be sure, but oh well. There are a few others, but I'm not about to point them out. Watch out for tense changes though; i saw quite a lot in there.

This book is great! I love Alyssa's sassy attitude. Her friend, Cassie, is even better! They truly have a realistic friendship. This story captures exactly what it's like to be a teenager. (Trust me. I know.) Then... all of a sudden....... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare
Gelöschter User

Oh yeah, and if you want to do a book swap, here is one of mine:


If it Lasts http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sabrina-jade-howard-if-it-lasts/ My life was shifting, changing to a darker shade, an unfamiliar feeling closing in over my head. Images flashed before my eyes, old memories coming alive, faraway things from a faraway place. It wa...
Jay Babee

Woahh, crazy coincidence!! I love the name Sabrina though, that's why I chose it =^-^=
Thanks so much for those tips, I'll definitely fix them up. I was too lazy to edit it coz I was like 'omg gotta get it on bookrix so excitedddd!" hehe you know what it's like...
It doesn't end... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

I know exactly what it's like to want to upload it first thing. Unfortunately for me, I am a perfectionist and most of the time end editing as I write it. Oh well...

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love this book and I can't wait till you finished. It's got me on edge!!! Lol

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

aww thanks so much <3

Wichtiger Beitrag
Adam Lewis LaValley

Very well written. I was dragged in by the imagery and character personalities, and Alyssa is definitely the typical teenager. 8D

I'm eager to know what this "tragedy" is...!

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

Thank you!! =)
You'll just have to wait and find out.... ;)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Not bad, you just have to remember to make a new paragraph whenever someone new speaks. But I will happily await further chapters. Keep it coming!

p.s. Don't forget to read mine. :P

Wichtiger Beitrag

You really had great imagery. I wanted to keep reading. Is there going to be another part?

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

Thanks <3
I'm wanting to have a new chapter up once a week!! I'll let you guys know when it's updated =)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very nicely done. I wanted more.....

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

Thankkssss =)
More will be up soonish I hope!!

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