Wichtiger Beitrag
Ashley Berrett

this is really fantastic I liked the details and the characters. you will have to write more. and remember to check out mine thats why they call it a book swap!

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

Thanks so much! I'm going to check yours out right now =)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great storytelling. I really hope you continue with this. Excellent dialogue!

1 Kommentar
Jay Babee

I definitely will.... just need to kick my ass into gear and actually write it!! hehe =P

Wichtiger Beitrag

Well - you'd better not just leave it at that! When are you going to add the next chapter?

I thought that the characters were fun and the dialogue was fairly realistic. Your writing style is strong and there were very few mistakes (hardly worth noticing!). I'm really excited to read more of this story!!!

2 Kommentare
Jay Babee

Thank you!! Next chapter will be up soonish. I'm wanting to have a new one at least once a week =)

