Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User


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What's up?

Gelöschter User

Nothing much Just living



Wichtiger Beitrag

hey dysamyne can u help me figuere out what to do on a new series it a about these miners who got caught and are forced to mine in the galaxy astrox. i just cant figure what to do next whith it and there are two author me and destroyer if you want to join in on the series youll be asinghed the third book of the series. oh and i need a moderator for my group.

4 Kommentare

Sure I won't mind.


No problem. Sorry for the late reply I just seen this.

Wichtiger Beitrag

i like your books there are very intresting plz write more.

1 Kommentar

Thank you and I'll do that :D

Wichtiger Beitrag
The Twister

Hey there!! I hope you would be able to check out my books if possible <3 Negative and Positive feedback is most appreciated! My books are still in progress.. So I was hoping if you'll be able to check it out ^.^ It would be awesome if you did XD


So I hope you would be able to check it out <3 Thanks

Complicated Love. Would you fall for an Asshole? Love can happen when you least expect it... thats why love is such a bitch! https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-the-twister-complicated-love/ Assholes??? Bitches??? People you just dislike??? Consider Lena's view of the people in Trinity Academy, her first day wasn't a good start... actually every day of her high school life wasn't a g...
5 Kommentare

I would be glad to check them out but it'll be a little while though but I will get to them so no worries ^.^

The Twister

Hahaha thanks and just take your time <3


Cool and please feel free to check out any of my books. Some are finished (still need to be proof read and stuff but finished as far as actually typing) and others are still in progress too

The Twister

I'm interested in reading your book 'An unexpected love' so I'll get to read it, but first I need to finish off a book that I was reading! So I'll read your book sooner or later! XD


Its no problem I understand so no worries :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

hey ya

4 Kommentare



whts up, i like your book covers, they seem interesting
mind if i read?? lol ^ ^


Feel free to read them and thanks I kind of used two different websites to create them. I'm pretty much just being lazy. What about you?


Oh and the only two book covers I didn't create myself is "The Tramp: A tribute to Charlie Chaplin" and "Flame the Elf"

Wichtiger Beitrag

Amber...I just looked up your profile. All this time I thought you were just a nice guy who was interested in what I had to say or write, but now I see that you are not what I imagined. If there anything else you can tell me about yourself? Some of the things you are interested, so am I ...films..especially comedies and sci-fi.


You will be surprised to know that many great actors are shy...but...because they are acting, and NOT being themselves...they do great.


I'm sort of shy, by I don't think I can act...my memory to learn lines...stink.


That's cool and I'm surprised that I can learn lines myself. My memory forgets things too alot but I think that's because I'm always thinking.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User


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No problem

Gelöschter User

He needs to have a grammar check on his writing


I guess some people just need to learn to be nicer

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

who is ur profile pic

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Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User


Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User


THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR YOUR HEART! Ah, it's been so long since anyone had done that to Laska, and I was really worried that it had just suddenly stopped being interesting! You're the best!

1 Kommentar

No problem.... Sorry it's taking me forever to read it but the past few weeks I just haven't felt like reading anything but I do like what I've read so far and I can't wait to read more

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I will read your books soon I was searching for books to read later on.

3 Kommentare

That isn't a problem. I kind of do the same thing but thank you for liking them I hope that when you do read them that their enjoyable :)


Oh and when you do read them fill free to check out "Ryoko's Life" as well. It's the prequel to the series.

Gelöschter User


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