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Gelöschter User

well there better than mine! ^.^

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Gelöschter User


Kenzhie Addie

Thanks! :)

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Troy n' Dubstep

That book is great The ones u don't know that "Conen" one is Heman and the other is a arcade gun game

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Kenzhie Addie

I can't remember. to hell with my memory. I'm pretty forgetful.haha I only recall "Who you gonna call?"
That's it. XD

Troy n' Dubstep

look it up it is very funny

Wichtiger Beitrag
Kenzhie Addie

Updated with my brother's art on it. Please check it out. :)

Kenzhie Addie

oh and thanks so much for adding it to ur fave. :)

Gelöschter User

:) You're welcome. Your brother might not want to pursue art as a career, he might have other plans. Although, it's a shame, but he can still have it as a hobby.
But if he's afraid he doesn't have talent, then let there be more positive reviews and show them to him later on.
As... mehr anzeigen

Kenzhie Addie

maybe.. who knows when he doesn't speak his mind. He's kinda bit of an introvert so yeah.. sigh.. :) and yep. I'm really gonna tell him that and many thanks once again for your kind compliments. I'll work it out. <(@v@)>

Wichtiger Beitrag

i liked it thanks for posting!


thanks and okay


i lovve the drawings

Wichtiger Beitrag
Kenzhie Addie

I changed the content since mine are terrible. Now, they're my cousins artwork. Please take a peek. XDDD

14 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
Thea F,

Oh feel better! Good night to you, sis. Just message me if you want to talk again. <3

Kenzhie Addie

Thanks sis! It'll be gone after some sleep. I ran out of painkillers so I'll just sleep it off.
I'll definitely message u. xoxo <3

Thea F,

Good to know. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Kenzhie Addie

I just published a book with my Artwork on it. Pleas check it out if you like guys. Thanks! <3

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yup...... i will

Kenzhie Addie

Thanks ;)

Kenzhie Addie

updated! :)