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Updated "This Is What Happens When You Live With 8 Guys" !! Hope you read it and tell me what you think!

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how are you and how is your study going

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Gelöschter User

Long time no see.

Precious Anne Lara

you in the right time everything will be fine :)

Gelöschter User

Thanks, I am leaving BookRix, personal issues.

Precious Anne Lara

im still studying in college

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Gelöschter User

thanks for acceptance

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red doll

Thanks for the fav on my book "Way to straight" :D

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Updated 'This Is What Happens When You Live With 8 Guys' !! Hope you read it and like it. Tell me what you think and I'll update soon. :)

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Updated 'This Is What Happens When You Live With 8 Guys' !! Hope you read it and like it. Tell me what you think and I'll update soon. :)

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