Wichtiger Beitrag
Ryan Harker

I love feedback, positive or negative, it's all good for me (and the reader if all goes according to plan). These soldiers interact together with the familiarity of working together for a ve-ery long time. They're more of a family really. The jumping around is intentional, there are many smaller stories within the overall tale, but is something I've wondered about. Let's read on and see what others think as well. Thank you, I... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I hope you really meant what you wrote on your profile about wanting honesty. Here's the thing, I'm a stickler about military terms. When you wrote "I copy Alpha" you should write "Ten-four, Alpha". It means the same thing, really. And then as I kept reading I got confused with you switching around a lot. Maybe I need to reread it again but for awhile I was lost. Sorry, I hate writing things like this and I don't want to... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ryan Harker

Happy to convert you my way. I like to think that this isn't your typical werewolf story. There's so much more going on here the werewolf part is almost a footnote, but an important one. Glad you liked it!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really hate werwolf stories. Wolves always get a bad rap. This story's beginning leaves to a much greater saga and I want to know more. And now I EAT MY OWN WORDS ABOUT WEREWOLF stories

Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm excited to read more. There will be a review of this book up in the group "Book Reviews" if you'd like to read it. :) Very nicely written, and with amazing imagery.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ryan Harker

I know what you're saying I've read it at least a dozen times, and nooo it's not because I'm the author with a forced obsession with editing. It's because it's a great book goldurnit so get off my back, jeez ;) Anyway I'm glad you liked it and I hope more readers will see it's splendor!

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is awesome! I don't know why people aren't buzzing on this book like flies. I can't wait for more.