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Trevors62, thank you so much for your candor!!! That's exactly the kind of feedback that I was hoping to get!! One of the things that I think I don't get across very well is that the main character has the opportunity to change her fate at each step of the story but chooses to deny everything each time. I don't want to give that message of the story away so much but I'd really like to figure out a way to maybe demonstrate her... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

I've just found this, so please forgive me for commenting so long after everyone else has.

Unlike most folks who commented, my impression of this book is that it is a sermon, served up as a book. The point about how bad we are, was made early in the story, but was belaboured, like a sermon. I think the basic premise is a good one, it would be fascinating to talk to someone who has undergone the judgement of God, but I still... mehr anzeigen

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The reason Coleen's story is so good, is not because I believe in its fire and brimstone ending. I don't have to; it's f i c t i o n.
It is so good because it reveals the stark contrast between good, and not good enough.
Having the drastic ending is emphasis on the point: live better. love more. judge less. do good. OR perhaps your life will end up having meant nothing (just like all memories of her life are stripped from her;... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you so very much!!!! Please help me spread this story to anyone you think might be interested. I am BRAND NEW to the literary world and just can't tell you all how much your advice and guidance has helped!! I am so glad we found Bookrix:)

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Many before me have already said what I think.
The lesson learnt here is beyond value.
My views of heaven and hell are different, but your story surely made its point clearly.
Matthew 25:34-40

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Glynis Rankin

I certainly enjoyed this story, it was well written and, as everyone else has said, thought provoking. Had me putting a mirror up to my own life. I love the contrasts you make between heaven and its counterpart, scary. That, to me, makes this a wonderful story.

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Thank you so very much for your comments!!!! I just loved reading how you navigated through the mind process of behind the scenes!!! Thank you!!!!
Thank you too about the reminder for tenses. I do an AWFUL job at that and I never would have thought it would be such a hard habit to break. I will definitely keep working on it!! Thank you so much!!!
Please forward the book to anyone at all that you think might enjoy it or benefit... mehr anzeigen

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Or Wow! THAT'S quite a tale. I'll begin by saying the writing is better than good, it's very good!
Talk about Hellfire and Damnation, though! Let's not get into interpretation of the bible, lol. But seriously, in the Christian tradition, WHAT was accomplished at Golgotha? What DO the New Testament scriptures say about the final judgement and our only hope...all of us having sinned and fallen short of the glory of God?
Even so,... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you so much!!! That's exactly what I was hoping is that it would make the reader take honest stock of their life. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and for your kind words!!!!!!! Coleen

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Thank you so much for your comments!!! You are exactly right on the tenses - it drives my editor crazy:) I will work harder on that!!
Thank you also for sharing your thoughts - I appreciate it so very much!!!
I definitely agree that God is merciful and that He continues to send his messages. What I'm hoping people take as the GOOD news of the story is that God loves us enough to give all of us one more day to do as He has... mehr anzeigen

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