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Put the banner I gave you on my page ASAP, pweease... Members of the FAYZ will pay you a bit more respect xD

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Gelöschter User

Happy Birthday!!!

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If anyone wants any books updating, drop me a message and I'll see what I can do. I'm nearly done with the start 4 chapters of A Moonlit Path (third installment in my ForestClan series) and I'm juggling my time round some other books that will be released some time soon.

I can tell you that one upcoming book is called 'War', which is part 1 of a two part or three part series set in the future (2050). This is based around four... mehr anzeigen

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And I proofread extracts of Megan's lovely work... hahaha :)

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OMG! You spelt field wrong!!!!! XD

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Ah! The tree in the sheep feild!! :) Yayy!!!!!!!!!!

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I just had to leave a note.

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Thanks for begin my friend :)

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nice quote and kool backround, Warrior cats...my sister read that series i never really had time

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I unfortunately have no cookies :^(

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