Bored, so here's a short sneak peek at 'On Top Of The World':
As the bitter wind chilled my bones, I spotted a car coming up behind me. The driver raised one hand to me, indicating me for stop. I did so, and the driver wound down the window. It was a young woman in her early 30s with short ginger hair and hazel eyes. "Where are you going?" She asked.
"Could you tell me somewhere I could go?" I asked pleadingly. "I'm lost and... mehr anzeigen
Bored, so here's a short sneak peek at 'On Top Of The World':
As the bitter wind chilled my bones, I spotted a car coming up behind me. The driver raised one hand to me, indicating me for stop. I did so, and the driver wound down the window. It was a young woman in her early 30s with short ginger hair and hazel eyes. "Where are you going?" She asked.
"Could you tell me somewhere I could go?" I asked pleadingly. "I'm lost and cold."
"Poor thing." The woman sighed sympatheticly. "I'd give you a lift, but I've got no room in my car. I'm heading to Oldmarket, which is just down the road. If you find it, go and find Mother Hazel. She'll take you in."
"Thank you." I replied, starting to leave. The woman beeped her horn at me. "What's your name, kid?"
"Lucy." I told her simply. "Lucy Sparks."
"Pleasure to meet you, Lucy. I'm Carrie Brown." The woman said. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but have a safe journey. If you're looking for sanctuary, go to Oldmarket and find Mother Hazel."
"I will. Thank you very much!" I called as Carrie drove off.
Thunder rumbled overhead as I continued down the road, worrying me. I could see lights in the distance, which did encourage me onwards. Lucky was fidgeting in the backpack, suggesting that the thunder had woken her up.
When I reached the edge of the lights, I could see the sign 'Welcome to Oldmarket'. As lighting blinded my eyes and thunder deafened me, I collasped in the middle of the street, unable to go on much futher.
(In case you're confused, Lucky is Lucy's kitten XD)
Okay, I think this is just annoying now. xD