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My darlings,

I've missed you all so much. Been dealing with aiding both my parents with their health issues and my own. Thank you for all your support. Please, if you are one of the 372 who downloaded my ebook for free, post your review at Amazon once you finish the book. I will appreciate all the feedback made by my readers concerning Lemuria's Last Hope. Hope all is well in your end. I wish you much success in all your... mehr anzeigen

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Ich würde dir gerne erzählen wieso es sich lohnt, Auf jeden Fall mal einen Blick in die Kurzgeschichte „Juliette“ meiner Schwester zu werfen.

Denn bevor du diese Nachricht jetzt schließt, solltest du dir zumindest die mühe machen kurz den Klapptext zu überfliegen, du wirst schon sehen warum … (Zumindest bei mir, hat sie einen bitteren Nachgeschmack hinterlassen.)

Ich bin mir sicher, dass dies ein Wort ist mit... mehr anzeigen

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Get a copy of my kindle edition Lemuria's Last Hope book for free at Amazon.com on January 1st and 2nd only...

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I'm the Native american in the picture XD the one with brown hair and brown eyes :)

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Thank you all for your support and kindness. =-)

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Cavlaster I am sorry to hear about your mother in law. I know how hard it is to loose people you love but in time it will get easier.

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Thanx for the friendship .

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Very sorry to hear the passing of your mother-in-law, she as well as you and your family are in my prayers.

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Again thank you for all your support...It's been tough and tough trying to be the anchor for everyone else. My own eldest son of 8 is constantly crying, rubing her picture against his cheek and calling out to her. It is a heart wrenching scene but God gives us the strength to endure this time. It's great to have friends like all of you. Thanks again.

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