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Keep scribbling...something will happen...

Wichtiger Beitrag

End your story with an image, no need to explain...just saying.

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"To me, the greatest pleasures of writing is not what it's about but the inner music that words make"... Truman Capote ~ I like this!

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I love your hair. It's beautiful.

4 Kommentare

Aw, thank you!! :) How have you been brandy83?


I've been pretty good. I just had a baby so it's been a long month. How about you?


Every thing you named in your about me description as far as watching I've seen them all and I absolutely love the outer limits. Such a creative show. Carrie is also one of my favorite movies. Alfred Hitchcock is awesome too. I doubt many people will remember the x files though.... mehr anzeigen


Yes girl...I grew watching those shows diligently! That's why I have just a fondness for mysteries... I was so intrigued by them... The X-Files came about later and the series didn't last very long either :) Hey congratulations on your new baby! Little girl or boy? That is so... mehr anzeigen

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Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted...

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I write to give myself strength,
I write to be the characters that I am not.
I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of...

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When writing the story of your life...Don't let anyone else hold the pen...

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I'm always most creative just before I fall asleep....strange but true!

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RELAX, Not every page has to be a MASTERPIECE... :)

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The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense....

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