Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

can u vote for it when the voting poll is on?

Wichtiger Beitrag

LOL same XD whenever i see the profile picture, i always think its u XD

Wichtiger Beitrag

sure XD idk how to get the pictures and stuff.. hey u wanna make a book together? :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

OH OH!!! nice background!! XD i hav that as my desktop wallpaper XD

Wichtiger Beitrag

lol u guys actually wrote at least one book.. i wrote none XD

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

ok see the thing where it says upload background picture?
under that theres a space with a bunch of percents.
choose 100%

Wichtiger Beitrag

but i think they do it for you automatically, so you can just pick the font and color..

Wichtiger Beitrag

I GAVE U A WHOLE TUTORIAL ON HOW TO DO IT THO!! XD fine... so u just go to edit my profile and below there's all these colors and font and stuff.. you can just choose one

Wichtiger Beitrag

you have to go to ur profile, then at the top of the page u go to edit profile and then u just attach a file that u want. but first in the edit profile thing, u need to select the none option in the bookrix background (the one where u can select it from, at top of the page in edit profile. dont forget to save XD

Wichtiger Beitrag

me too :P i just figured that out when u told me XD

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